Request an Appointment

You can call or text us at that number. If you call, you'll probably get our voicemail but PLEASE leave a message. We will get back to you. If this is the first time you're texting us, remember to include your name so we can save you in our Contacts!
[email protected]
Use this same email address to schedule with either Caitlin or Kristen. Be sure to mention what service you are interested in and the days and times that work best, and include a phone number where we can reach you. Or you can use our Appointment Request form which emails your info to us.
Appointment Request

If someone cancels, we'll know who to call!
Just like yours, our schedules can get hectic, especially in the summer and around major holidays. Sometimes we have a last minute cancellation which creates an opportunity for another client to grab it. If you are interested in getting an earlier appointment, let us know. We'll put your name on the wait list so that when the schedule shifts, we know who to call.